Hello, the world is a wonderful place however sometimes bad things happen, which you need to be prepared for. You’re about to undergo a marvelous adventure, where only the best will survive.
You will need to show knowledge and skills to deal with critical situations. It’s important you survive, but you must also help people in trouble. In order to do this, you will need to give your best, to collect points and badges. Show us what you’re made of!
The rules of the game

The city is faced with the worst week in its history.
Every day a different disaster.
Every disaster is a level of the game that you need to pass with as many points as possible.
In every level you will have to deal with 5 different tests in the form of tasks, quizzes and challenges, each of which carries 20 points. That way the maximum points in every level is 100.
You will need at least 60 points to pass and proceed to the next level. The ones who have passed the levels with the maximum points or with the highest score amongst everyone will get a badge of the temporary winners.
At the end of the week “the survivors” will be those with over 300 points, while the winner will be the one who has collected the most points of the maximum 500. As a reward for their knowledge the winner will get a prize – a t-shirt with the project’s sign.
Prove that you’re the best! Win badges on your way to the finale by collecting as many points as possible! Be number 1 in the general standing and become a champion in the game and an exemplary hero. Win a t-shirt of NHD PLAY GAME.
And so, we begin.
It’s a beautiful morning outside and it looks like it will be a great day. Suddenly, something happens…